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From 2011, when the Local Arts Forums were set up, Artscoop, an
informal network of creative practitioners and arts organisers active in
SW Birmingham, has been the lead for Edgbaston Arts Forum. We
choose not to have a physical base because we want the flexibility of
being able to work with residents in different locations across a
notably diverse constituency. We support people in using the arts to
help shape and share who and where they are, how they see
themselves and how they want others to see them. Over the years,
we have collaborated with communities of interest and residents in
overlooked neighbourhoods, often bridging social, cultural or
geographical boundaries. Edgbaston Arts Forum is dedicated to arts
with social purpose.

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Get Involved

Tom is the coordinator of Edgbaston Arts Forum and Chair of Number 11 Arts

Tom, a white man with receding grey hair, a full grey beard and glasses, leans in towards a statue of an animal (there isn't enough of the animal in shot to see what it is)

Tom Jones


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